For women 40+ who want to get their 'old selves' back


Targeted support and health coaching for women in the menopause transition

Get clarity on your menopause journey with targeted support and coaching for

✅ Increased energy

✅ Weight management

✅ Improved sleep

✅ Stress and anxiety relief

✅ Measurable improvements in menopause symptoms

Have you ever said any of the following things to yourself?

"I have too many responsibilities and too much stress from balancing work, family, and personal life."

"I have these unpredictable mood swings, hot flashes, and weight gain that I can't seem to manage."

"I feel constant guilt about not being able to give enough to my work, family, and myself."

"I’m leaning too much on alcohol or unhealthy snacks to cope with my stress."

"I have a ton of conflicting information about menopause and self-care but no clear direction."

Is this what you'd like to be saying?

"I feel energetic and vibrant like I used to."

"I carve out time for myself without feeling guilty."

"I have a balanced life where I can succeed at work, be there for my family, and still take care of myself."

"I feel confident and comfortable in my own skin again."

"I have clear, trustworthy advice on managing menopause, diet, exercise, and overall well-being."

"I feel at peace and not constantly overwhelmed by everything on my plate."

If so, we're here to help

How we help women get better control of their health, happiness and hormones

360° holistic health coaching focussing on targeted healthy habits is the most effective way to help women sail through midlife and beyond with confidence and clarity so they can get their ‘old selves’ back.

In Club Fabulous Beyond 40 we cut through the confusion around perimenopause and menopause and provide lifestyle support for any hormonal symptoms you may have to help you thrive in midlife and beyond.

To do this, we address the four main pillars of lifestyle medicine for women 40 and above:

How you think

How you eat

How you move

How you live

In the Club you'll find all you need to rock your way through midlife and beyond:

Dive into learnings around the four pillars of James and Juli’s proven 360° holistic health coaching method so you can address your health and wellbeing from all angles and never have to revert to Dr Google again

✅ Join our goal-setting sessions so we can help you implement the learnings in a way that suits you. Choose what you want to work on and make the menopause transition an empowering journey suited to your needs and wants

✅ Unlock powerful group coaching so you can get laser targeted actions and accountability to power your confidence and clarity to the next level

✅ Expand your horizons with insights from regular guest experts across a wide range of fields from midlife weight loss to menopause mindset

✅ Redefine your relationship with exercise with curated monthly workouts specifically designed to increase your strength, tone you up and build the strength to improve your muscle tone and protect your bones

✅ Get unparalleled support from your nutritionist and perimenopause/menopause health coaches Juli and James, as well as an incredible community of like-minded women

Getting started is as easy as 1, 2, 3

Why you can no longer afford to ignore a 360° approach to your health

✅ How you think: Your beliefs and values can directly affect how you approach this next, important stage of your life

How you eat: Hormones are literally created from the foods you eat, while managing blood sugar balance is key to both managing your weight and getting a grip on any hormone-related symptoms you may have

How you move: More than 50% of women over 50 suffer a hormone-related fracture. Appropriate strength training can help preserve muscle mass and bone density as we age

How you live: Stress is the sworn enemy of women whose hormones are starting to change, and reducing stress levels can have a direct impact on symptoms. Sleep, meanwhile, is literally where the magic happens. Your hormones are built, your muscles recover, your gut heals, your batteries are recharged...

How do I know if this is the right Club for me?

Club Fabulous Beyond 40 IS For You If:

✅ You’re done with band-aid fixes: Ready to roll up your sleeves and dive deep? This programme is your jam if you're looking for sustainable change, not overnight miracles.

You're coachable: If you're all about embracing guidance and taking action, you'll fit right in. We’re talking a hands-on journey with a map, but you're in the driver’s seat.

You're a myth-buster by heart: Tired of wading through wellness waffle? We’ll cut through the nonsense with science-backed strategies and a sprinkle of savvy self-experimentation.

You're looking for a breakthrough: Feel like you're on a treadmill getting nowhere? If you're ready to tear down the barriers and stride forward, this is your call to action.

You believe in the strength of community: If you're ready to both give and receive support, then you'll thrive in our community where every member is both cheerleader and champion.

Club Fabulous Beyond 40 IS NOT For You If:

❌ You’re looking for a magic pill: If you expect instant results with zero effort, this isn't your fairytale. The only 'quick' here is how quickly you'll see you need to put in a bit of work to find your path.

You're a sideline sitter: Not ready to play an active role in your transformation? If the thought of getting real coaching makes you squirm, you might want to sit this one out.

You're a fad follower: Fond of the latest 'diet detox' tea? This program is all about long-term health, not short-lived headlines.

You're content with 'stuck': If you're hanging on to old habits even when they’re no longer serving you, then this journey of change might be too much of a leap... for now.

You believe in 'going it alone': If the idea of sharing your journey, supporting and being supported isn't your cup of tea, you might prefer a solo trek to our community-powered climb.

Life can be very hectic & complicated and like many people, I have very little time to focus on myself. I signed up to Club Fabulous Beyond 40 and wasn't really sure if I could fully commit. However I have made sure I attend every weekly session, irrespective of how little I feel I've achieved since the previous week. James and Juli are so knowledgeable, motivational & kind and I would recommend the club to anyone who is hoping to refocus on themselves and navigate through these challenging years. The support from them is never-ending and so is the support and warmth from the group.

Helen Chapple

James has a great inclusive manner that allows you to absorb and participate at your own pace. He won't push you unless you say that's what you need. But when I did ask, he was super helpful in getting me to explore my goals and set new habits to get me there. Now I've really started to see the changes in my mind and body. I love the community that we've started to build with each other too. Learning from each other and cheering our wins or even getting support when needed. Definitely feel in safe hands. Now I've shared what I truly want, the journey has begun to get there and did that I'm incredibly thankful.

Sara Herd

How much does Club Fabulous Beyond 40 cost?

We've seen the challenges that many of our clients go through when they are looking at lifestyle support for when they get to 40-plus and hit perimenopause/menopause.

We also know that community in coaching offers huge support and appreciate not everyone can afford one-on-one coaching. As such, we want to help as many people as possible - and today you can join for an investment of a little over a pound/dollar a day!

Even better, as long as you remain a member, if you join today, your monthly fee will NEVER increase.


We're so convinced we can help you, that we're offering you a 30-day guarantee on your membership of the club. If after the first month you are unhappy with the programme we'll give you your month's payment back. After that, you can unsubscribe at any time, so there's no risk involved – only the opportunity to change your life for the better!

Get £400/$520* in bonuses when you sign up today

Get personalised help within a group environment. For every year of membership you get an initial 30-minute intention setting call with Juli or James, plus 2 x 15 minute emergency calls.

Don't think you have the time to do this? Become a time-blocking ninja with our Make Time for Me Time guide, plus Fast & Easy Hormone Supporting Meal Prep Recipes e-book

Take the stress out of the holidays. With Christmas around the corner, our Healthy Happy Christmas guide and Holiday-Inspired One-Dish Meals will help banish the holiday blues

Plus: get an extra £299/$390 bonus after three months

Stay in the Club for three months or longer and we'll give you Nail Your Nutrition - a 17-page personalised nutrition plan based on your unique goals ABSOLUTELY FREE. Simply complete the form we send you and we'll crunch the numbers and send you your plan back. This bonus is ideal for those looking to manage their weight during the menopause transition, giving you a plan based on the learnings you will have picked up to date and showing you exactly how to execute them based on your needs.

Hello, we're Juli and James, your dedicated nutrition and master health coaches

Hi. I'm James and I'm on a mission to empower women 40 and above in their health and fitness journey.

Yes, yes, yes.... I know I’m a man, but I've worked with hundreds of women over the years and I understand what a transformative and challenging phase of life perimenopause and menopause can be.

As such, I've dedicated time to listening and understanding my female clients and undertaking specialist training in female health, perimenopause and menopause. I'm also a member of the British Menopause Society – the official organisation in the UK for healthcare professionals working in this area.

I'm excited to be your partner and
I can't wait to see the positive changes being a member of Club Fabulous Beyond 40 brings to your life.

Hi, I'm Juli and I began studying nutrition after the devastating loss of my mother to cancer when I was only 19.

Fast forward through many years and my own serious health battles, where good nutrition practices and the guidance of a great coach finally put me on my own path back to feeling vibrant. It’s my mission to help you create a body you love and the lifestyle to maintain it, in a way that fits your life.

You’re busy and your life is too hectic to be thinking about special diet plans, “miracle” supplements, or crazy workouts. Those things don’t work and can actually make the struggle harder.

With health coaching, you’ll learn how to simplify your health journey. You’ll be able to not only lose weight and get fit, but also rediscover self-confidence, learn to love your body, and have all the tools you need to maintain those things for life.
I can't wait to work with you in the Club.


Questions? please email
[email protected]